Starting Artists

6 | Izzy Searle, Playwright, Screenwriter & Poet

Tony Sadowski Episode 6

My guest for the episode is Izzy Searle, a writer whose work has been published in multiple magazines and literary journals. Izzy loves writing theater, screenplays, and poetry, and is currently writing a new short play for professional production as part of the Pentabus Young Writers program. 

She’s written others, of course, one of which has been included in a book and an anthology of her poems is in the works!

Izzy offers insight into how she handled getting started as a freelancer, work ethic, learning to identify good opportunities, and much more. So much already going, so much to come. She's a dynamo!

Starting Artists is hosted by Tony Sadowski, owner of media production and voiceover company Spec Communications, LLC.

Thank you!

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